The Bus Ride

The Bus Ride

By Connie Gochenaur Editor’s note: I asked Connie to give some context for this powerful piece of writing. She said, “I am not one of those writers who always kept … Read...
Grieving Good

Grieving Good

Editor’s note: Although we’ve begun a new theme for May, we wanted to share this post from last month’s topic on grief, since it shares an interesting perspective on something … Read...
Does it matter?

Does it matter?

By Josie Barone If there is no one to notice, does it really matter? If there is no one to notice, do I matter? I shaved my legs today–a feat … Read...
A grief unobserved

A grief unobserved

by Rachel Campbell Grief is a never sought-after but inevitable part of life, a reaction to death which visits us all at some time in our life. C.S. Lewis, in … Read...