

Are You Called To Keep The Church “Farm Team” Going?

A few years ago, author Margaret Feinberg penned a kind and genuine expression of concern for those who have left ...

Is It Possible To Return To The Faith Of Your Childhood?

Poet Christian Wiman penned these words in his book My Bright Abyss about how faith shifts as we move through ...

I’ve Had About Five Faith Shifts

I’ve had a faith shift. I hope you have, too. Our theme this month at The Perennial blog has been ...

Seismic Shift or Gentle Nudge

I always imagined that someday I would be one of those people who younger Christians look at with a wistful expression ...

Farewelling Well

Many Evangelicals were shocked to hear that one of their own, broadcaster Hank Hanegraff, host of The Bible Answer Man ...

Boomers @ Church: Liturgy As Commercial For Church?

The lights dim, and the band takes the stage.The worship leader welcomes the crowd with a boisterous “Hey, how’s everyone ...

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PerGen co-founder Michelle Van Loon’s new book about spiritual growth at midlife is available now! Order from the publisher, or your favorite online book vendor including Amazon.com, ChristianBook.com, HeartsAndMindsBooks.com, Lifeway.com, and BarnesandNoble.com.

Becoming Sage: Cultivating Maturity, Purpose, and Spirituality at Midlife (Moody Publishers)