
The marathon of forgiveness

by Kelli Ra Anderson When I opened the mailbox and saw the envelope in my father’s handwriting three weeks ago, ...

History Keepers

By Carole Duff Editor's note: This piece is excerpted and adapted from Carole’s memoir about finding grace.  During Mother’s years ...

It’s in the blood

by Mary Napier A friend's son, adopted shortly after birth, was a very successful high school and college wrestler, and ...

The past still speaks + a drawing for a brand new book!

Perennial Gen co-founder Michelle Van Loon has released a new book that's for everyone who has ever wondered about how ...

Listening to forgiveness in process

Editor's note: April Fields gave us permission to share an excerpt from a book project she's working on that touches ...


I felt like I'd had the forgiveness process under control. I was sure I'd forgiven them, if not the full ...

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PerGen co-founder Michelle Van Loon’s new book about spiritual growth at midlife is available now! Order from the publisher, or your favorite online book vendor including Amazon.com, ChristianBook.com, HeartsAndMindsBooks.com, Lifeway.com, and BarnesandNoble.com.

Becoming Sage: Cultivating Maturity, Purpose, and Spirituality at Midlife (Moody Publishers)